Give Yourself & Your
Business A Fresh Start!
Give Yourself & Your
Business A Fresh Start!
A Denver Business Broker That Represents Your Interests
What would you rather be doing with your time & money?
After 10 years in the business, we have NEVER had a client decided to sell their business. They have all decided to shift their priorities, and in order to have the time and the money to focus on what’s more important to them now than the business, they realize it’s just time to sell.
And the idea of selling either excites, or scares the hell out of them. Usually a bit of both. Their business is everything! A major source of their wealth, identity, and purpose comes from being an “owner.”
Then over time they realize just succeeding as an “owner” is not enough, and they need to focus on the roles that have taken a back seat to “owner,” namely, father / mother, husband / wife, aunt / uncle, grandparent, mentor, and friend. And once again, this excites, and scares the hell out of them.
That’s where we step in. Our goal is simple: To help owner decide who they really are and what they really want, today. The pros and cons of selling, and if selling is key to having the time and money to focus on what’s next, we value the business and get it sold. Mostly we guide them through each step in the process so the fear is replaced by understanding.
Experience Takes Time and Practice
To do anything well takes experience, and time. We’ve all watched what happens when someone delays a decision until the last possible moment, or they are caught off guard by some external force that takes the decision making out of their hands. Things that should have been easy are hard. Things that should have gone smoothly are chaotic, steps are missed, and the results show it.
It’s the same with the process of deciding what to do with your life, and your business “someday.” I prefer to talk with an owner as soon as the “what if” questions start renting space in their head. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge a dime until we sell. Fact is I prefer to talk with an owner and explain their options, BEFORE they know what they want, or when they want it.
Selling a Business Takes Guidance
Can you imagine Bill Gates waking up one day, plunking down $25M for a new Lear jet, and trying to taxi down the runway…….without ever taking a flying lesson? Crazy, right? But that is what may business owners do when they decide it’s time to sell their business. They have done little or nothing to get themselves, or the business ready to sell and it’s easy to understand why.
Most have never even heard of a business broker, and even if they have, they don’t know one they have learned to trust. And how could they? If they did reach out for guidance well ahead of a sale, most brokers would say “call back when you’re ready to list the business.” At Fresh•Start we want to educate you, explore your options, and decide if you should ever sell, and if so, when. We want to guide you so you, your family, and the business are all ready no mater what the future holds. That way you’ll already have a someone you know and trust, when you decide it’s time to sell, or some life even decides it for you.

Most owners tell us they think about selling every few months, but then the next “fire” kicks up, and the thought is gone in a flash. We recognize that selling is one of those “someday” conversations. Next time it crosses your mind, lets talk. We don’t bite!

Admit it, owning your own business is great some days, and harder than you ever thought it would be, others. We developed the 'Mind Your Business' whiteboard series to help you navigate life as a business owner, and as a challenge. Can complex topics be explained in just 60 seconds?

Buyers get no respect, right? They do at Fresh Start. As soon as we sign a contract with a seller, we tell them “now we work for the buyers, and the bankers, too." It has to work for everyone all the way to the close… and long after.
‘Mind Your Business’ Education
‘Mind Your Business’ Education
Think About It.

What Would You Do If You Sold Your Business Tomorrow?
It’s one of the most life-altering, and gravity-defying questions we ask an owner! We’ll help you dig to find the best solution for who you are today, and who you want to be now.
Remember The Game
“Leap Frog”?
Selling your business is a great way for you to ‘leap frog’ life, and plant yourself smack dab in the middle of where you’d really rather be.